Gratitude and Goal setting

Sharing about my goals publicly really gave the needed pressure to meet it. With that said, time to celebrate my accomplishments & set new goals.

  • I’ve been wanting to create my own website / blog for sometime (since 2015). Huzzah for finally doing it!

  • I have been nervous about publicly asking for help to restore a piano when there’s so many other very worthy causes to donate towards. Allowing myself the freedom to ask for help while other needs exist has been a mental and heartfelt journey I’m proud of.

  • I’m also overwhelmed with genuine gratitude for this piano restoration journey and the encouragement I’ve received from so many loved ones. Thank you!

I mentioned last month I would be sharing the current state of the piano. Currently, in it’s out of tune state, the best genre to listen to is rag time. Which just so happened to be the genre of the song I learned for Black History month earlier this year

  • Oh ya, I’m proud of learning a new song earlier this year!

Here’s a keyboard recorded version which is in tune and closer to the right tone. Just for funsies, putting the tracks on top of each other actually created a super cool effect. So sharing that as well. Enjoy!

New Goals!

I have a piano song bucket list that isn’t that long, and quite attainable. I’m going to challenge myself a step further, and strive to learn these before the piano is restored.

Piano Song Bucket List (not in any order):

  • Claire De Lune

  • Moonlight Sonata (3rd movement)

  • The Entertainer

  • Mega Man 3 (main theme)

  • Succession (main theme)

  • Random assortment of Christmas songs added to repertoire

Blog goals moving forward:

  • Include piano recording with each blog update

  • Collaborate with a musician(s) and perform that music (sometime in 2024)

I often say sharing about goals publicly satisfies that part of the brain as if you did accomplish it, leading to less likely completing the goal. However, since doing this blog and sharing about my goals very publicly, I’ve found this has pushed me in a positive way to achieve them. It’s also helped curb my perfectionism and adopt new phrases like, “Done can be the best feature.”

With all that said, the last bit of gratitude I’ll share is that I mailed the deposit for the restoration! This is essentially the retainer so Jim officially has it on his schedule to restore the piano in 2025. I was already pretty committed to restoring this piano after paying to move it, but now I’m definitely committed after paying the retainer.

  • Proud to finally pay for the deposit, and thankful for my friends and family encouraging me with their support!

Stay tuned for how and when I plan to do a virtual concert! Huzzah for more uncomfortable growth!


Everyone can learn piano


The piano is here!