The piano is here!

The piano arrived safe and sound earlier this month! We worked with Piano Movers of TX, and they did a fantastic job (not to mention crazy affordable!). As you can see, the piano LOOKS amazing thanks to my Aunt & Uncle who paid for the cosmetic restore. Next update I’ll have a recording available so you can hear the current condition (spoiler alert, it’s out of tune).

Donation link active!

I finally added the donate link which goes to GoFundMe. For those curious, I wrestled quite a bit how to go about accepting donations. Ultimately, these are the reasons I went with GoFundMe:

  • GoFundMe supports more payment types (Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.)

  • GoFundMe is only 1% more expensive than hosting it myself

  • Supporters can immediately see the progress from their donation

  • GoFundMe is trustworthy and I want people to feel comfortable donating

What’s being restored?

There’s plenty of details to breakdown what is needed for this piano. But to sum up;

  • New hammers

  • Strings

  • Tuning pegs

  • Soundboard Repair

  • Piano keys

  • Pedals

Fun Fact: This piano had a practice pedal at one point, and that will be restored.

  • Because the cigarette burns are such a cool historical anecdote for this piano, 1 key will keep the same look (circled below).

When will this be restored?

Summer of 2025. Watson Piano Works won’t be able to take the piano until the start of 2025. It’s estimated that the restoration will take a few months. I knew going in this was a marathon, not a sprint. So I have quite a bit of time to get to know this piano, document more on the current condition, and of course build the funds to pay for the restore.

Thank you so much for everyone who is here just reading about this and joining me on this journey!


Gratitude and Goal setting


The journey begins…