The journey begins…

“If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly.”

-G.K. Chesterton

“What stands in the way, becomes the way.”

-Marcus Aurelius

I love a good quote, and those quotes sum up the wave of emotions I’ve had to wade through before this website came to being. With this being the first update, it’s going to be lengthy. Sorrynotsorry…

This month, September 2023, I will finally be getting my favorite piano I plan to move into my home!! I’ve always owned a keyboard, but there’s nothing like playing on a real piano. Compared to every other piano I’ve owned, the piano arriving later this month will be in the worst condition of them all. I’ll explain…

A long time ago, in a speakeasy far away…

This piano was built sometime between 1910 - 1920. This piano was originally used in a speakeasy during prohibition. Which explains the cigarette burns on the keys. After prohibition ended, the piano continued to be used for a legal business in the same bar / dance hall. When the business owner finally decided shut it down, he found someone to take the piano. In the 1960s, that’s when this piano moved into my grandparents house. For the next few decades, this piano was loved on by my cousins, aunts, and uncles.

In recent years, the piano has been collecting dust at my aunt & uncles house. My uncle Tommy had it cosmetically restored which now shows off the beautiful wood finish. Last year I got to see the restoration and play on it. I did not anticipate the emotional response it gave me that no other piano ever did…




It took me months to finally decide that restoring the piano was worth the work. This meant I had to also wrestle with the risks of a custom instrument restoration. So many variables that could go wrong….can I trust someone with that? Yes, and that person is Jim Watson.

Jim explained it will take a while, it’s not cheap, but it will be worth it. Last month I got to tour his shop and meet him in person. That alone is worthy of an entire update, but maybe another time. After talking with Jim and touring his shop, I learned Jim is a master craftsman who loves and cherishes his work. I truly enjoyed getting to meet him and experience his passion. I was finally at peace for this restoration project.

Later this month Jim will be coming out to inspect the piano and provide more details. I will be excited to share more after that happens!


What’s next…

This will be a long journey and restoration will not be cheap. I plan to expand this site and include ways to donate so others can embark on this journey with me. More to come there.

Thank for your interest as well as sharing this journey with me! More updates coming soon!


The piano is here!